LED Drivers, sometimes referred to as power supplies, or transformers are units designed to provide power to LED components. Unlike traditional lighting, LED lights operate on lower voltages, usually 12V or 24V. They also operate on DC (direct current) rather than AC (alternating current). There are two types of drivers: (1) constant current which convert the incoming mains 230 AC into a lower DC voltage and also maintain constant current output. This ensures sensitive LED chips achieve full brightness whilst preventing them from being overpowered, which would damage the chips; (2) constant voltage LED drivers also convert 230 AC into lower DC voltages such as 12V or 24V and the output voltage remains consistent without fluctuations.
All lights featured on this website require a constant voltage power supply and below you will find a wide range of drivers to choose from.
How to Choose the Right Driver
1. Check the wattage of the light and make sure the wattage of the power supply is equal or higher than the total number of Watts required. It is recommended that you factor in an additional 20%, however Spectron waterproof drivers have a 20% excess built-in, so you can use 100% of the stated output power. For LED strip, multiply the wattage per metre of LED strip by the length of the run required. E.g. if you need 3m of a strip using 8.8W/m, you will need a 26.4W driver or higher (3*8.8=26.4). Factor in an additional 20% if using a non-waterproof driver.
2. Check the output voltage of the driver is compatible with the input voltage of your LED light; usually 12V or 24V. If the incorrect voltage is used it could cause irreparable damage to your lights.
If you follow these steps when choosing your LED drivers you should have no problem installing the desired LEDs.